Please call 1-800-859-2960 to pre-register. Algonquin tribes knew the January full moon as "squochee kesos" or "the sun has not strength to thaw moon." A magical moonlit evening on snowshoes is a perfect way to celebrate 2015 and maintain or begin those New Year's fitness resolutions. Brief stops to discuss fitness benefits of snowshoeing, natural history of the night, quotes and Native American moon names will add interest to this unique way to spend a winter evening. Participants will warm up afterwards around the cozy pellet stove with a warm beverage. Those who want to learn more about snowshoes can see a variety of styles available and learn favorite features that make people love their specific snowshoes. No prior snowshoeing or night hiking experience required. People who engage in aerobic activity three times per week will be most comfortable on this two mile snowshoe. Bring water, wear wind pants or gaiters and dress in warm layers that can be shed as we get moving. In case of no snow, a moonlit hike will be offered

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6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sat, Jan 3, 2015


Northfield Mountain Recreation and Environmental Center

99 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360


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